Aqua Clinic
What industry your business falls into?
Med spa (RMT massage, Facial, Microneedling, Dermaplaning, Microdermabrasion, Peel Treatment, Eyelash Extensions, etc…
What are you selling? (Details of your product or service, its benefits, etc.)
Services: (RMT massage, Facial, Microneedling, Dermaplaning, Microdermabrasion, Peel Treatment, Eyelash Extensions, etc…
Please provide us some relevant information about your company (e.g. its history, the people, their expertise, etc.)
Aqua Clinic is a premium skincare and cosmetic clinic offering a wide blend of beauty aesthetic services and medical grade treatments. Focused upon providing maximum levels of comfort and giving our clients a space where they can unwind, relax, and recalibrate, the Aqua Clinic is situated in a highly advanced and visually stunning facility that offers the best of both, technology and relaxation. Our spa treatments promise our clients an experience unforgettable, drawing from the best of both, traditional and modern healing methods.
The Aqua team is made up of handpicked, highly trained and experienced Medical Aestheticians, qualified masseuses, and dedicated beauticians who are committed to treating our clients with utmost care, quality skills, and legendary customer service.
Where is your business based? What geographical regions does your business operate in?
The business is located in Missisauga.
Do you have a slogan or tagline(s)?
Yes, slogan is Recover. Rejuvenate. Revive
Who are you talking to? (Your target audience - their ages, where they are located, their concerns and interests, etc.)
Ages: 20-55
Located: in Mississauga city
Concerns and interest: treat anti-aging, acne, wrinkle, muscle ache, headache, muscle sore, back pain, etc.
What is your existing website address?
I don’t have existing website address. It’s a new business
Do you have any existing presence on any social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.)? Please list the URLs below.
Facebook: aquaclinic
Instagram: aquaclinic1
What are you looking to achieve from these blogs?
To educate clients on the benefits of spa services, products and how to embrace the wellness lifestyle
What type (writing style) would you like us to follow in our blogs (e.g. personal, corporate, friendly, trendy, humorous, etc.)?
Anything that related to med spa
Do you want us to use multimedia content (images, videos, gifs, etc.) in your blogs?
Yes more images and videos
Do you want us to promote any specific products or services and special offers through these blogs?
Anything else that we should keep in mind while writing your blogs?
For the first blog, please write about retinol, chemical peel, ongoing health benefits a regular spa-goer provides, and after that anything related to spa is fine.