In case you didn’t know, acupuncture is an ancient, holistic form of medicine, offering relief from many medical conditions. Its philosophy is rooted in the Daoist tradition from more than 8,000 years ago. It is also one of our primary services of care for clients who need to heal their bodies and are open to alternative means.

Acupuncture is an eastern form of medicine using many needles. The insertion of them produces endorphins (natural chemicals in the brain) that help decrease your perception of pain. Acupuncture is used to help reduce pain while increasing the blood flow and stimulate the muscles and nerves throughout the body.

At Aqua Clinic, we are not only pioneering the usage of highly advanced beauty treatments, but are also practicing traditional treatments that have proven positive effects on the body and the soul. Acupuncture is an almost 3000-year-old Chinese traditional treatment that is administered by Licensed acupuncturists at Aqua Clinic. This highly effective treatment works wonders for reducing depression, encouraging anti-aging, and refreshing the skin. Acupuncture improves bodily strength, further strengthening natural self-healing processes and allowing renewed energy to surge through the body. Treating a variety of skin issues such as acne, eczema, wrinkles and rosacea, acupuncture addresses these skin issues by reducing stress, curbing emotional imbalances, allowing the body to relax, and catering to the ‘invisible’ issues of the skin.


What is acupuncture’s purpose?

Acupuncture is all about achieving balance throughout the body. Practitioners believe if you are in pain, your body is out of balance. By treating the specific acupuncture point that addresses the physical problem, this puts your body back into balance.

Does acupuncture hurt?

This is the most common concern when it comes to acupuncture, especially where there is more than one needle used in the practice. However, the needles used in this practice are very thin in comparison to those used for injections for medicine. There is a little pressure felt as it pierces the skin, but once it reaches the muscle, there is no pain.

If you are still hesitant about the idea of acupuncture, Mahi can introduce you to various other forms of treatment that don’t require needles, such as cupping therapy and Tui Nai.

What does acupuncture treat?

Acupuncture can treat a range of illnesses both acute and chronic. It can be applied to heal musculoskeletal problems (back pain, neck pain, arthritis, tendonitis, and others), digestive problems, migraine headaches, anxiety, depression, insomnia, allergies, asthma, and more. Because everyone responds differently, the number of treatment sessions will vary for everyone depending on their needs.

Is there anything I should do before or after an acupuncture treatment?

Having acupuncture on an empty stomach could make you feel lightheaded or fatigued afterward, so it is best to have something light to eat a few hours before your treatment. Eat something that’s not too filling but doesn’t leave you too hungry.

Plan your day so that you aren’t doing anything strenuous or stressful afterwards so your body can relax and heal. Also remember to drink plenty of water and eat a healthy, well balanced meal following treatment.  

What Makes Aqua Clinic The Best for Acupuncture?

All Registered Acupuncturists on our team are required to be registered with the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of Ontario (CTCMPAO). Individuals who are not registered with the CTCMPAO are not permitted to practice or call themselves acupuncturists in Ontario. At Aqua Clinic, our R.Acs often work alongside our other health practitioners, using a hybrid approach in order to attain the best therapeutic results for you.

60 MINUTES | $110 (tax included)

90 MINUTES | $155 (tax included)